The day HashNode cured my CMS Hopping Syndrome

Have you ever spent an entire day just struggling to choose which blogging platform to go with? Medium, Ghost, WordPress, Dev, you name it. Say you chose WordPress, how many hours have you burned just digging around for the perfect theme?

This was me for the longest time. Hopping from one CMS to another was a lame excuse I gave myself not to actually write quality content because in my mind I had already told myself that I had not yet found THE PERFECT PLATFORM.

Then one day an ad on twitter caught my attention 👀 hashnode_tweet.PNG

I already had a HashNode account due to my CMS Hopping habit, so that was an easy one. I quickly setup my account and whenever I hit any technical roadblocks, I would ping the co-founder of HashNode Sandeep Panda and he was super responsive and I got my blog up and running.

Now I feel like I have no excuse anymore not to write on my blog. The benefits I get from HashNode are quite a handful

  • I get to post content on my own domain
  • I can automatically cross post this blog to other sites like
  • I do not have to handcraft my own blogging platform (which comes with its own set of challenges🥵)
  • If I decide to leave HashNode I can export my data and still maintain the SEO benefits of publishing on my own domain.

So if you are in decision limbo about which platform to go with, I'd say just go with HashNode, you can always change your mind later.